
Saturday, July 25, 2009

R.I.P David Harple

The News-Times just lost a great, great photographer today.

From Executive producer, Hearst Connecticut Media Group Interactive Keith Whamond's blog
Just heard from a friend that David W. Harple, who has been taking pictures for The News-Times for decades, passed away today after his long battle with cancer. David served many roles for the paper over the years, but most recently he was he chief photographer and coordinated the photo staff.

I don’t know any specifics, but friends of Dave know all too well how hard he had fought his awful disease for the past several years.

Dave was one of the most personable, friendly people I’ve met. He was always looking to spark a conversation.

In an age before Photoshop, and when one needed to have a knowledge of working in a darkroom, you always knew when you saw a photo from Dave in the paper as he had a way of catching an image. I'm so sorry to hear of his loss and my thoughts and prayers go out to Dave's family and friends during this time of mourning.

According to Whamond, the Harple family have established a website (Harple family fund) that's where you can make a contribution.

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