
Monday, October 05, 2009

Boughton avoiding FREE and OPEN debates: Day 25 (the fundraiser edition)

It's been a mind-blowing 25 days since the League of Women Voters requested Mayor Mark Boughton to participate in a NON-PARTISAN FREE and OPEN debate with Democratic mayoral candidate Gary Goncalves.

Instead of accepting the debate, the last honest man in Danbury is attempting fool the public with this tired, and recycled excuse.
In response Boughton said he only received the invitation to the league debate late last week and he will evaluate whether he can attend the event.

"It's already late in the (election) cycle and we do have a full schedule of events," he said. "I also have a responsibility to run the city of Danbury."

What's included on Boughton's schedule you ask?
Well, lets take a look...


Busy schedule huh?

To recap:

Mayor Boughton can't seem to find the time to discuss the issues with Gary Goncalves in a FREE and OPEN debate at a time where the public could attend BUT he can find THREE HOURS in his busyt schedule to be the headliner at a fundraiser in RIDGEFIELD and help raise money for a fellow Republican candidate who's running for the Common Council?

In other words, raising money for political purposes is more important than agreeing to a FREE and OPEN debate.

People over Politics or Politics over THE PEOPLE!


Day 24 and no word from Boughton

Democratic Town Committee chairman weighs in on Boughton avoiding FREE and OPEN debates

News-Times to Boughton: Stop waffling on FREE and OPEN debates

Avoiding free and open debates is nothing new for Boughton

Goncalves blasts Boughton over not agreeing to open debates

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