On December 13th, for 10 bucks a head, you can come down and see Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist spew his hate-speech in Danbury. The man who has close ties to the Neo-Nazi group The National Alliance will come to our area and tell us all the bad things about
Here's a little history into the background of this moron and his ties to Neo-Nazi organizations.
For months, Jim Gilchrist promised that his Minuteman Project would peacefully observe the Arizona border as a protest against illegal immigration. Volunteers - he said there would be 1,300 of them - would be carefully screened, with FBI help, to keep out white supremacists and racists. No one would be allowed to bear guns except those who had permits to carry concealed weapons.Gilchrist makes a link between white Neo-Nazi racists who attended his event and Martin Luther King...
Gilchrist said that critics who called his group "vigilantes" - naysayers who included President Bush - were absolutely wrong about his volunteers.
Indeed, Gilchrist told USA Today, these men and women sought only to bring attention to a major social problem. Most were "white Martin Luther Kings."
Ahem, lets continue.
Maybe so. But Gilchrist's accuracy has been less than sterling.Okay, Neo-Nazis are free to walk the streets with gun, no one check their permits, and Gilchrist wants you to assume that what they're doing is "peaceful."
As the month-long April project started, some 300 volunteers showed up - a thousand fewer than predicted. An FBI official denied that the agency was screening Gilchrist's or any other private group's members. At least four-fifths of volunteers did carry weapons, and almost none were checked for permits. Racist talk abounded. And at least some neo-Nazis and other racists did join in Gilchrist's project.
Ahem, lets continue.
On April 2, as the month-long effort got under way, the Minuteman Project held a protest across the street from the U.S. Border Patrol headquarters in Naco, Ariz. Prominent among the demonstrators were two men who confided that they were members of the Phoenix chapter of the National Alliance - the largest neo-Nazi group in America. One of the two, who sat in lawn chairs throughout, held a sign with arrows depicting invading armies of people from Mexico - a sign identical to National Alliance billboards and pamphlets, except without the Alliance logo.You get the picture folks? The Minutemen and the National Alliance are buddies in their War against immigrants, period. The unfortunate thing here is that Gilchrist and his defenders claim that they're victims of propaganda and reverse racism and their claims are disgusting to say the least.
For you video pleasure, you can view Gilchrist defending the National Alliance on FOX News via Media Matters.
Due to my limited time right now, I don't have the time to go into great detail exposing this hate-monger, you can find plenty of information on him by checking out the Southern Law Poverty Center (a watchdog group that monitors hate-groups).
For your viewing pleasure, I grabbed a couple of video clips of Gilchrist in action (or should I say placing his foot in his mouth).
The first clip is from a appearance Gilchrist did on Fox News Hannity and Colmes where he defended white supremacists groups. (via Media Matters)
Here's a partial transcript:
COLMES: Recently, the white supremacy group Aryan Nation has recruited for the Minuteman Project, promoting the protest as a white pride event. This is who you're participating with here.Amazing.
GILCHRIST: I have -- Alan, I have no control over someone posting an e-mail. I know what you're talking about. I've been to that Stormfront website. I have put a warning on our website -- you are not welcome here if you're a member of any supremacist group, whether it be of any color, race or creed.
Alan, there are supremacist groups out there of all races, colors and creeds. It's not just white supremacists. Why are you picking on them? There are brown. There are purple. There are red.
Now, I'll offer this video for the cherry on top. Not long ago, Gilchrist made an appearance at Columbia University which caused a huge counter protest by students who stormed the stage and held banners against the Minutemen.
Now, here's where Gilchrist and his defenders tried to lie to the public.
Gilchrist tired to make it seem like HE was being attacked by the students when in fact it was his Minutemen goons who attacked the students with one person being caught on video kicking a student in the head.
Well, Gilchrist came on Democracy NOW and tried to debate the head organizer of the counter student protest at Columbia and he suddenly cut the interview short when challenged about the incident and his ties to the National Alliance.
Watch the video and see the coward in action.
Gilchrist is a hate-monger who works on people's fear for his financial gain. He's a joke who shouldn't be taken seriously and has no business in Connecticut let along in Danbury trying to tell us about the problem with illegal immigration. He's like a Klansman who decided to take off the sheet and try his luck by wearing a tie (David Duke would be proud).
Again, this guy is nothing more than a bigot and a racist and is only looking to make a buck by drafting more members to his cause (I bet he comes with a suitcase of garbage to sell to the audience).