Since the television networks left Danbury, the last honest man in Danbury crawled out of his spider hole and playing the slight of hand with the public and trying to protray himself as the "mediator"
Once again, this is complete B.S. Boughton was WELL AWARE of these emails for some time...HELL, everyone in the know, knew about Basso's racist emails, which didn't come to a surprise to anyone as in most people's minds, Pauline is about as intelligent as a bag of stones. Instead of doing the right thing when first approached by Rev. Pitts, Boughton did what he does best, NOTHING.
Lets recap:
• Basso's idiotic emails were released to various groups (and media) weeks ago.
• Rev. Pitts approached City Hall about the emails and received an inadequate response.
• Instead of doing the right thing and meeting with Rev. Pitts, on October 1st, Basso sent a half-hearted two paragraph to Pitts in an effort to keep the whole situation out of the public's spotlight (ALTHOUGH SHE ALSO OFFENDED MUSLIMS, LATINOS, AND WOMEN AND ANGERED THOSE GROUPS AS WELL).
• At the Common Council meeting, instead of Boughton and the Republican leadership doing the right thing and offering a public apology, Markie Mark and his political funky bunch acted like nothing happened and shamelessly went with their agenda (although a large group of people in the audience KNEW about the emails).
• When approached by the local media, Basso shows her true colors and shows how apologetic she really is about the whole disgusting affair. "I really have nothing to say...I sent an apology and that's it"
...Ah yes, this sounds JUST LIKE a person who's learned her lesson.
• When approached NOT BY THE COMFORTABLE LOCAL MEDIA but by the TELEVISION NETWORKS WHO HAVE NO PROBLEM ASKING TOUGH QUESTIONS, Boughton and Basso tucked their tail between their legs and ran out of town.
• NOW, in a letter which Boughton expressed his annoyance to Rev. Pitts for calling the media on him, instead of showing leadership and calling for Basso and Urice's resignation, Boughton is buying time by calling for a "meeting."
Sorry Mark, you and Basso should have taken Rev. Pitts and the people who pissed off seriously when you had the chance.
Let's roll back to the video tape and listen to Rev. Pitts account on the reaction he received when he initially tried to work things out with City Hall.
Mayor Boughton, at this point, you're adding fuel to the fire and you're latest attempt to face the music is insulting to say the least.
YOU ALREADY HAD A CHANCE TO DEAL WITH YOUR CRACKPOT MAJORITY LEADER when you first heard about the emails and you did nothing.
No reprimand, no public apology, no call for her head.
Instead, you showed poor leadership did NOTHING in terms of addressing the situation with any sense of urgency. Even worse, instead of organizing a meeting with Basso, cowboy Joel Urice, and Rev. Pitts, you basically blew everything off while Basso (a.k.a Elise "deer-in-headlights" Marciano's BFF) wrote a shameless half-hearted letter to the NAACP.
Is that what you call leadership Mayor Mark?
Is that what you call People over Politics?