Has anyone seen our mayor and his boneheaded majority leader sidekick? The television media were waiting all day to ask you two a few questions...
Day two of BassoGATE and the last honest man in Danbury and his majority leader are no where to be found.
Let's get everyone up-to-date since the public release of Basso's boneheaded emails to her "pals."
1. The other Common Council member as well as the member of the Planning Commission have not stepped forward to explain their actions
2. The Pauline Basso email bombshell is still the talk of Connecticut with the story continuing to gain headlines on the networks (e.g., check the image on the right of the scrollbar during this morning's Good Morning America).
3. The only thing we have from Basso is:
• A half-hearted private "apology" in which we are to believe that she "learned" her lesson ALTHOUGH she offended several ethnic groups in Danbury in a series of offensive emails over a series of months (ranging from April to August) and,
• A flippant response in yesterday's News-Times in which Basso states "I really have nothing to say...I sent an apology and that's it." This comes from a person and a mayor who tried everything to keep this quiet as opposed to Basso doing the right thing and apologizing to the entire public for unacceptable behavior (again, the emails were sent over a series of months.
4. The public anger towards Basso is intensifying to an alarming level as more members of the public view the emails that were distributed yesterday.
The man who proclaims "People over Politics" wouldn't return phone calls from the media and his majority leader (who was seen at City Hall during the morning) has somehow vanished off the face of the earth.
WHERE'S THE LEADERSHIP in a Mayor and Majority leader that refuse to answer questions from the television networks?
WHERE'S THE LEADERSHIP in a Majority leader who offers flippant remarks when questioned about her disgusting emails?
WHERE'S THE LEADERSHIP in the other Republicans who don't step forward and express regret over their role in the whole matter? Your silence speaks volumes about your character.
On September 26, 2007, ten plaintiffs filed suit in response to an arrest of aday laborers at a public park in Danbury, Connecticut. Plaintiffs amended their complaint on November 26, 2007.
The amended complaint states that plaintiffs sought to remedy the continued discriminatory and unauthorized enforcement of federal immigration laws against the Latino residents of the City of Danbury by Danbury's mayor and its police department.
Plaintiffs allege that the arrests violated their Fourth Amendment rights and the Connecticut Constitution because defendants conducted the arrests without valid warrants, in the absence of exigent circumstances, and without probable cause to believe that plaintiffs were engaged in unlawful activity. In addition, plaintiffs allege that defendants improperly stopped, detained, investigated, searched and arrested plaintiffs. Plaintiffs also allege that defendants violated their Fourteenth Amendment rights when they intentionally targeted plaintiffs, and arrested and detained them on the basis of their race, ethnicity and perceived national origin. Plaintiffs raise First Amendment, Due Process and tort claims.
Plaintiffs request declaratory relief, damages and attorneys fees.