There she goes lying again.
A few weeks ago, I attended a co-called health care protest in front of Congressman Chris Murphy's office on Main Street, which was organized by a group that calls themselves the United States Citizens for Immigration and Law Enforcement (USCFILE).
For those who don't know, USCFILE is a local anti-immigrant, extremist, hate group that has a long history of spreading lies and misinformation regarding the issue of immigration in the Greater Danbury area. Although I'll write in more detail about the history of this organization, and it's political ties in Danbury, I want to take a moment and respond to a comment made about yours truly from the president of this hate group, Elise Marciano.
Equally as troubling as the USCFILE's track record of spreading misinformation and lies, is their long history of intimidation, taunts, and threats towards members of immigrant community and their supporters.
…and during their "rally" a couple of weekends ago, I became their latest target.
Although I won't go into the explicit details of the threat as this is now a police matter, I do want to shed light on comments made from the leader of this band of misfits and expose her lying ways.
When questioned by the News-Times about the incident, here's what Marcaino had to say.
It's purely made up. Most people don't even know what he drives and didn't even know he was there. This was made up by Al Robinson because he is trying to discredit us.
As you'll see, when it comes to discrediting her organization, Marciano does a good job at doing just that all on her own.
Here's a picture I took of ALL THE MEMBERS of Marciano's group who attended the protest.
As you can see, in order for me to take that photo, I needed to be positioned directly across the street from their event.
Now, here's an interactive Google Map that shows the location of USCFILE's rally. If you click on hold on the image, you can turn the map around and see see where I was positioned with my cameras (right in front of the dollar store).
View Larger Map
Since Marciano and her goon squad know that I'm not their biggest fan, and that I'm positioned RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from their rally, this photo sort of pokes a hole in Marciano's claim that "most people…didn't even know he was there."
Wait, wait, it gets better.
When it comes to blogging, I'm known for my video work telling my story…and when it comes to lies from Marciano and her ilk, lets just say that I'll get my footage do the talking…
Hmm..lets see. Members of USCFILE giving me the thumbs up, requesting that I videotape their lovely signs, looking directly in the direction of my camera, and, in the case of Marciano, waving at me.
Yet, Marciano said this...
When it comes to Marciano being nothing more than a discredited serial liar, I think I proved my point. be continued.
HUFFINGTON POST: Fear & Intimidation: Tea Party's Newest Assault on Democracy