Stew Leonard's purchased the Discount Liquors Inc. store off Federal Road on Thursday and moved its wine store there overnight.Big business wins again. Yet, another loss for mom and pop stores in Danbury.
The move allows Stew Leonard's to put its wine shop closer to its dairy store and adheres to the city ordinance that prohibits one liquor store from being located within 2,000 feet of another liquor store.
At 9 a.m. today, Stew Leonard's Wines will open its doors in the larger building at 2 Nabby Road. Its former wine store at 59-67 Federal Road is closed and will not reopen.
Stew Leonard's tried for more than two years to convince Danbury to let it open a wine shop in its parking lot or next door, but city ordinances prohibited that. The Zoning Commission rejected Stew's plan in 2004; Stew's appealed the commission's decision in November 2005.
Common Council member Tom Saadi argued against approving the liquor store before both the Zoning Commission and in court. Saadi said the city's regulations help preserve neighborhoods.
"It looks like they did with the wallet what they couldn't do in court," Saadi said.
If you can't win in court...
Time: 1:39 PM
Well, that was a quick repsonse
Time: 1:03 PM
Seems like a somewhat fair response but it still doesn;t address HOW my photo was used on a site which paid royality fees for the pther images used on the site.Dear HatCityBlog:
In regard to the blog post on your site – ‘Did Mayor Boughton steal my photograph?’
The answer is NO.
Mayor Boughton is far too busy with the important business of leading the city and tackling tough issues to peruse the internet gobbling up images of….himself.
Thus, he hires professional firms to assist him – and in this case – my firm, yn2media.
Now with regard to the image in question – we are investigating where and how we obtained it for – in fact it could have been from a simple image search – and could have possibly originated from your site – and if so, I apologize for not granting attribution, regardless of the source.
While attribution is not legally required in this instance – since it would be covered by section 107 of the US Copyright Law and is fully in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 – It is not the practice of yn2media to utilize images and fail to grant attribution.
In fact, the main images at were purchased and the owners paid royalty fees.
While we may represent different ends of the political spectrum – I suspect our concern for original content, maintaining its integrity and granting rightful attribution is equally great.
Therefore, I have asked our design department to remove the image until and unless its origin can be clearly determined.
It is my hope that this action and communiqué have addressed your concerns.
If you would like to discuss this issue further, in person, please feel free to call me direct at ext xx.
Jon K. Fagan
I would of wished Jon was less defensive and would of just cleared up the matter as a simple attribution could of done the trick but hey, what can you do. Some people think this is an anti-Boughton site which is not the case. Just becsuse I don't agree with a good portion of his policy doesn't mean that I'm in some way anti-Boughton nor anti-Republican (take a look at my archives and check out the way I ripped the Democrats during the last election and you'll get the picture).
If you look at my original post regarding this matter, I made my point quite clear...
Now, I know many people down at City Hall check this site out so I'm going to be cool about this for now and ask someone to kindly tell the Mayor to take my photograh off of his site or obey the rules of my site and give me credit for my work (photo courtesy of Hat City Blog).
In fairness, here's my response to Jon:
Dear Jon,Well, I think we got that cleared lets move on.
Thanks for your prompt reply. As a designer, you would know that picking up images from a simple image google search is a big no, no and would NEVER be the practice of a design firm.
Also, this has nothing to do with a political viewpoint nor is this an anti-Boughton site, this is about using someone's work (in this case mine) without giving the photographer (in this case, me) attribution.
Also, I'm sure the mayor had nothing to do with the image BUT it is a site that he hired you guys to create. Since he obviously approved the content on the site, he would bears some responsibility to the content of the site. For example, if you placed a misleading statement or an outright lie that Boughton did not say on the site (and he didn’t catch it before it was published), people would initially criticize and hold Boughton before the design firm.
In any case, this is not the point. My site makes it pretty clear as All original video/audio/graphical/text works is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License and even if you received the work from a image search, your firm could not use it without either paying the photographer or receiving permission to use the work. You statement about paying for royalty photos reinforces my statement.
Please remember, this would episode would not of been a problem if your firm would of simply ask for my permission and/or gave me attribution. If you didn’t take the photo, you have to give someone credit for the work, it’s that simple.
Again, thank you for resolving the matter and I look forward to hearing your follow-up to how my image was used on the site.
Did Mayor Boughton steal my photograph?
Time: 5:30 PM
Now, I take great credit in my work since I really bust my butt to give you guys the best photos and videos I can produce. Now, all of my original work (i.e. photographs, video footage) is protected under a little thing called the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
Here are the details of that license:
For the full details, you can check out the full legal code here.You are free:
- to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work
- to make commercial use of the work
Under the following conditions:
Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.![]()
No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
- For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
- Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Now, why do I bring this up you ask? Well, a reader pointed me to this site called which uses a photograph I took without my permission.
Here's a quicksnap of the page, notice the photo (click on image to enlarge).

Now since Mayor Boughton is making a gesture with his hands, the chances of two photographers taking exactly the same picture at exactly the same angle is very fact, it's almost impossible. Given that fact, this is clearly my picture being used on a anti-immigration site and I would never agree to have my photograph be associated with this site.
Here's the twist, this organization was created by the Mayor himself and you would think he would know better than to rip off my material without giving me credit for my work.
Now, I know many people down at City Hall check this site out so I'm going to be cool about this for now and ask someone to kindly tell the Mayor to take my photograh off of his site or obey the rules of my site and give me credit for my work (photo courtesy of Hat City Blog).
Hopefully, this will be taken care of quickly. I really don't like having my work ripped off like this so it would be wise for the parties involved to get this matter cleared up before I get really upset and start posting about this on more consistent basis.
Bad news for Boughton and the xenophobes
Time: 5:09 PM
Seems like soneone is losing support among their own party when it comes to immigration.
A new poll shows Republican voters don’t share as much hostility to immigrants as the Members of Congress they elect, RAW STORY has learned.Now, sincve immigration is a dead issue, can we talk about more important issues such as that seven year tax abatementfor the Kennedy Park development or the increase in our sewer rates.According to a report Thursday in Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire, a survey conducted for the generally pro-immigration Manhattan Institute, the Tarrance Group found that “80% of likely Republican voters favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. and earn eventual citizenship. In a finding that may draw the attention of skittish congressmen, the poll also found that half those voters would cast ballots for a favored candidate even if they they disagreed with the candidate’s stand on immigration.”
...and lets not forget about the Galante case and the people who turned a blind-eye while he ripped everyone off with his outrageously high trash rates. That story is FAR from over.
Drunk flying dummy gets a year in jail
Time: 10:35 AM

An unlicensed pilot who stole an airplane from Danbury airport and flew it while he was drunk will likely serve another year in jail.
Philippe Patricio, 21, of Payne Road in Bethel, accepted a plea deal Wednesday in Superior Court that would sentence him to a one-year term for the June 2005 caper.
Patricio, who flew the plane from Danbury to the Westchester County Airport in New York with two teenage passengers, already pleaded guilty to a number of charges in New York and was sentenced to time served after spending about nine months in jail.
He is currently in custody while the Danbury case is pending. His sentencing in Superior Court is set for Aug. 2.
The agreement reached with prosecutors Wednesday will end the charges he faced in Connecticut state courts.
As part of the deal, he must serve five years on probation, during which he must undergo six months of inpatient treatment.
He must also undergo substance abuse evaluation and treatment and pay the city $5,000. He was also ordered not to further his training as a pilot, and not go to an airport unless he's a ticketed passenger on a commercial flight.
The recommended sentence is technically a five-year term, suspended after he serves one year, and five years on probation. He will only serve the five-year term if he violates conditions of his probation.
Yes, I'm still here
Time: 10:25 AM
Oh, so much happening in Danbury that I don't know where to begin. What should I talk about, the soccer fans freaking the native Danbury folks out? How about the Galante scandal and the people who turned a blind eye while accepting his dirty money (while knowing full well that he was a crook)? How about the Kennedy place development and all the breaks BRT is receiving from Boughton and the Republicans (like your sewer increase...well BRT caught a break when they'll hook up Kennedy Place. Let's not even talk about the 7 year tax abatement which will cost Danbury millions of dollars in property taxes while the children who live in the development go to school tax free).
Okay, I'm getting fired up now just thinking about the level of stupidity in this city so I'll line up each topic and rip each one of them to pieces soon.
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