Danbury is home to the NEW UFC light heavyweight champion Glover Teixeira!
Here's the post fight interview from moments ago...
Danbury is home to the NEW UFC light heavyweight champion Glover Teixeira!
Here's the post fight interview from moments ago...
As we head into the final stretch of the campaign season, mayoral candidates Dean Esposito and Roberto Alves filed their final finance report before Election Day.
Between October 1st and 24th, Esposito raised a total of 12725.00 dollars (137,670), with all of the money coming from individuals and no contributions from PACs or the sale of ads in programs books.
In contrast, during the same period, the Alves campaign raised a total of 4382.27 in individual donations (144,545.27), 5,500 dollars from PACs (18075.00), with 125.00 in program ad book sales (16,240.00). Alves also reached into his pocket and personally paid expenses totaling 20,866.64 (29420.65).
An itemized list of Alves' out-of-pocket expenses are listed below.
The total amount of money raised/spent in the race will not be known until after the election.
Alves 7 Day until election report.
Esposito 7 Day until election report.
Alves third quarter amendment filing.
Last Saturday, Danbury Democrats came together in a show of force in their desire to win back a mayoral seat that has eluded them for the last two decades.
Aproximently 100 people consisting of candidates, state and federal lawmakers, union members, activists, and candidate's freinds and family members gathered at City Hall to show their support for Roberto Alves and the Democratic team.
Also in attendance were members of the community who were not there to support the candidates but rather show their disapproval for the proposed homeless shelter on Mill Plain Road. The state/non-profit venture has been a topic of controversy for the year, and opponents of the plan made their disapproval of the state/non-profit venture known to Governor Lamont, who spoke at the event.
Here's video footage of Alves' rally speech at the event.
In the following clip, Esposito details his resentment towards fellow councilman Farley Santos and Roberto Alves and details how an alleged action the two councilmen took against him while his family was mourning the recent passing of his grandfather and former councilman John Esposito Sr. led him to his breaking point with them and the new direction of the Danbury Democratic Town Committee.
My complete interview with Esposito will be posted later this week.
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The Mercurial (RIP)
Danbury News Times
Danbury Patch
Danbury Hamlet Hub
Danbury Daily Voice
Tribuna Newspaper
CT News Junkie
CT Capitol Report
10.03.18 (PDF):
"Approval of Danbury Prospect Charter School"
10.30.20 (HatCityBLOG VID): Charter School discussion during 2020 interview with Julie Kushner
2018 (RADIO): WLAD
"State Board of Ed signs off on Danbury charter school proposal"
08.20 (VID): CT-LEAD
"Stand up for Education Justice" Rally
08.20.20 (OP-ED): KUSHNER: "Charter schools are not ‘magic bullet’ to improving Danbury schools"
09.13.20 (OP-ED): CHAPMAN
Candidate for state Senate supports charter school for Danbury
01.15.21 (VID): CT-LEAD
Danbury Prospect Charter School press conference
03.19.21 (OP-ED): CT MIRROR
"Danbury leaders do not want a charter school"
04.01.21 (OP-ED): CT-LEAD:
"Why did Sen. Kushner vote against us?"
05.06.21 (VID): Danbury rally to fully fund public schools
10.07.21 (VID): Danbury City-Wide PTO "Meet the Candidates" education forum
10.07.21 NEWSTIMES
Danbury candidates quarrel over charter school, education funding
01.10.22 NEWSTIMES
"New operator named for Danbury charter school: ‘I’m a huge advocate for parent choice’"
01.10.22 NEWSTIMES
"Some Danbury Democrats ‘open minded’ about charter school after new, CT operator named"
01.21.22 (OP-ED): CT MIRROR
"Lessons from Danbury: Ending the dual process for charter school approval"
02.09.22 NEWSTIMES
"Proposed Danbury charter school won’t open in 2022, governor leaves funding out of budget"
02.18.22 NEWSTIMES:
Danbury residents plead for charter school funds in 9-hour state budget hearing: ‘Just exhausted’
03.05.22 (LTE):
Time has come for Danbury charter school
03.12.22 (OP-ED): TAYLOR
"Why I am excited about the Danbury Charter School"
03.16.22 (LTE):
"Why a Danbury Charter School?"
04.02.22 CT EXAMINER:
"Crowding and a Lack of Options for Danbury Students, But No Agreement on Solutions"
04.04.22 (OP-ED): DCS
"Danbury Charter School plans debut"
04.07.22 (PODCAST): (CEA)
04.18.22 (VID): CT-LEAD
Protest press conference
04.25.22 (RADIO): WSHU
Latino group call on Connecticut lawmakers to open a Danbury charter school
06.03.22 (OP-ED): KUSHNER:
"Career Academy ‘a great deal for Danbury"
On September 26, 2007, ten plaintiffs filed suit in response to an arrest of aday laborers at a public park in Danbury, Connecticut. Plaintiffs amended their complaint on November 26, 2007.
The amended complaint states that plaintiffs sought to remedy the continued discriminatory and unauthorized enforcement of federal immigration laws against the Latino residents of the City of Danbury by Danbury's mayor and its police department.
Plaintiffs allege that the arrests violated their Fourth Amendment rights and the Connecticut Constitution because defendants conducted the arrests without valid warrants, in the absence of exigent circumstances, and without probable cause to believe that plaintiffs were engaged in unlawful activity. In addition, plaintiffs allege that defendants improperly stopped, detained, investigated, searched and arrested plaintiffs. Plaintiffs also allege that defendants violated their Fourteenth Amendment rights when they intentionally targeted plaintiffs, and arrested and detained them on the basis of their race, ethnicity and perceived national origin. Plaintiffs raise First Amendment, Due Process and tort claims.
Plaintiffs request declaratory relief, damages and attorneys fees.
(10.24.07) Memorandum in Opposition to Defendant's Emergency Motion for Protective Order
Defendants' Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction
Defendants' Motion to Dismiss State Law Claims
Plaintiffs' Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
Defendants' Answer to Amended Complaint
(10.05.07 (VIDEO) Boughton mislead the public about Danbury's involvement in raid
(09.18.07) Yale Law Students expose Danbury involvement in raid
(12.14.06) VIDEO: Interview with Yale Law Students at FOI presser
(12.14.06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 FOI complaint media roundup
City Clerk Jean Natale standing next to skinhead sparks outrage
(10.03.06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 rally
(09.29.06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 case deepens
Word of raid spread across the country
(09/29/06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 protest news conference
VIDEO: 2007 Stop the Raids immigration forum at WCSU
2007: Community protest anti-immigration forum
A tribute to Hispanic Center Director and immigrant activist Maria Cinta Lowe