LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Spotlight On 11.02.10 broadcast
Time: 7:54 PM
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Danbury Live 10.30.10 broadcast
Time: 7:53 PM
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: The Marty Heiser Show Nov 4 2010 broadcast
Time: 7:45 PM
Rogue Boughton
Time: 1:10 PM
Is Boughton going rouge?
Boughton urged Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz to go back to all 169 municipalities and re-verify the results from the ticker tape generated by the electronic voting machines.
He pointed out that the initial results for the city of Torrington posted on the SOTS website were corrected by Bysiewicz on Thursday after short-changing Foley by 2,000 votes.
“It might best serve the voters of Connecticut to have a recanvass,” Boughton said, emphasizing that he was speaking for himself and not the campaign.
If Boughton's not speaking on behalf of Foley, as Tom's number two, he should probably refrain from going off the campaign script...but knowing Danbury's last honest man the way I do, I'm not surprised with him running off at the mouth.
Congressman Chris Murphy says thanks to Danbury
Time: 6:29 PM
JK's Restaurant 11.04.10. Photo by Al Robinson
On Tuesday, Danbury residents overwhelmingly voted to send Chris Murphy back to Congress for a third term.
While thanking people for their support at JK's Restaurant, I had a chance to speak to Congressman Murphy and get his thoughts on the election and his thoughts on the new make-up of the House of Representatives.
Danbury election roundup
Time: 1:35 PM
State Rep. Bob Godfrey victory speech
State Rep. Joe Taborsak victory speech
State Sen. Alice Hutchinson concession speech
Election day LIVE BLOG
Time: 11:26 AM
For Rides to the Polls or Questions About Where to Vote: 855-CT-VOTES For the Voter Protection Hotline: 888-316-6603
To find your polling location, click here.
7:30 PM: Here's my video stream feed from Danbury DTC headquarters (recorded).
UPDATE 5:00: Danbury Registrar of Voters Mary Ann Doran is MISLEADING the public regarding the Dem voter turnout.
1987 photo of Democratic Town Committee member (and Boughton's current receptionist) Joan Soderstorm (left) and Democratic Town Committee Chairwoman (and current GOP Registrar of Voters) Mary Ann Doran (right). Both individuals played a central role in one of the most controversial episode in the history of City Hall...known to most people at the time as the midnight city hall midnight massacre.
The heaviest voting, according to Doran, is in traditionally Republican strongholds in the city, while some Democratic wards are seeing voter turnout as of 3 p.m. as low as 12 percent.
Here's why Doran's outrageous comment is misleading.
Here are the voting turnout totals as of 3 PM (Democratic strongholds are in italic):
WARD 1, 109 DIST: 59 out of 235 votes (25.1 percent)
WARD 1, 110 DIST: 109 out of 376 votes (29.0 percent)
WARD 1, 138 DIST: 1421 out of 4426 votes (32.1 percent)
TOTAL WARD 1: 1589 out of 5037 votes (31.5 percent)
WARD 2, 109 DIST: 908 out of 2536 votes (35.8 percent)
WARD 2, 138 DIST: 808 out of 2464 votes (32.8 percent)
TOTAL WARD 2: 1716 out of 5000 votes (34.8 percent)
WARD 3, 109 DIST: 1952 out of 5624 votes (34.7 percent)
TOTAL WARD 3: 1952 out of 5624 votes (34.7 percent)
WARD 4, 109 DIST: 636 out of 2086 votes (30.5 percent)
WARD 4, 110 DIST: 594 out of 2321 votes (25.6 percent)
TOTAL WARD 4: 1230 out of 4407 votes (27.9 percent)
WARD 5, 02 DIST: 470 out of 1344 votes (30.5 percent)
WARD 5, 109 DIST: 29 out of 236 votes (12.3 percent)
WARD 5, 110 DIST: 571 out of 2062 votes (27.7 percent)
TOTAL WARD 5: 1071 out of 3642 votes (29.4 percent)
WARD 6, 02 DIST: 1006 out of 2933 votes (34.3 percent)
WARD 6, 110 DIST: 333 out of 1249 votes (26.7 percent)
TOTAL WARD 6: 1340 out of 4182 votes (32.0 percent)
WARD 7, 02 DIST: 175 out of 534 votes (32.8 percent)
WARD 7, 110 DIST: 86 out of 312 votes (27.6 percent)
WARD 7, 138 DIST: 1349 out of 4112 votes (32.8 percent)
TOTAL WARD 7: 1610 out of 4182 votes (32.5 percent)
TOTAL VOTES: 10507 out of 32,850 votes (32.0 percent)
As you can see, the ward that lean Democratic are just about on par with the GOP wards. Furthermore, the ward Doran picked out as evidence of a low Dem turnout (5th ward 109th district) is the section of Danbury where Western Connecticut State University dorms are located. This particular ward has traditionally been incredibly low because college kids in dorms rarely vote (which is why the total number of voters in that section of the 5th is at 236). What Doran doesn't mention about the 5th ward is that the turnout in the 2nd District section of the 5th is 35 percent...which as of the 3PM is the second highest percentage of voter turnout in the entire city.
In short, Doran is pulling a dirty and misleading trick on the people of Danbury...but for those who knows Doran's controversial political history in the area, her latest antics is nothing new.
Part time mayor mixes wrestling with politics
Time: 4:46 PM
Oh yeah, that WWE event this weekend in Hartford had nothing to do with politics...Boughton is a big fan of wrestling (not like he has to city to look after or anything)...
Controlling the message
Time: 4:45 PM
There she goes again...
One thing I learned in the campaign fore US Senate is that Linda McSteroids' campaign will go to any lengths to control their message…and just as they attempted to do in Milford, when it comes to the size of crowds at her rallies, Linda's camp isn't being quite honest with the people.
On Saturday Linda's 50 million dollar trainwreck made one of her last campaign stops in Danbury. With campaign manager David Cappiello and Lt. Gov candidate Mark Boughton both residents of Connecticut's Hatcity, you would think there would be a good turnout for Linda's rally at the Danbury High School right? Well, of you drank the Kool-Aid from Linda's team, then the rally was a HUGH success.
Here's what the McSteroids' campaign tweeted regarding their rally at Danbury High School.
Lets take a look at the pics McSteroids' campaign put out of the "amazing/great" rally.
Again, if you go by these images, you would think the rally was a huge hit…and why not? Announcement of the rally was posted on Linda's Facebook page back on the 26th and two of her biggest fans (her campaign manager and the mayor of Danbury) both live a stone throw away from where the rally took place. Surely the success of this rally should be a no brainer right? (I mean come on, they even had Triple H as the "special" guest!)
Fresh from the Obama rally in Bridgeport, I decided to stop by the big festival and see how things were going…and lets just say that no one was really psyched to see me there. I knew once I parked my car that the rally was a complete bust.
(click here to enlarge)
I arrived at the "rally" around at the Danbury High School auditorium at aprox. 7:30 and the size of the crowd was almost embarrassing. Even after they sectioned off half of the gym, the size of Linda's followers peaked at 120 people (including Linda's staff and handlers who I recognized from the Milford rally).
By the time Linda finally showed her face (aprox 8:40), her handlers move the people into the middle in order to give the impression that the size of the crowd was large for the cameras. Heck, by the time Linda finally showed up, I saw some people actually leave...including the crew from WTNH (marked in red in the above photo).
…I'll let the video tell the story.
As someone who attended one of Ned Lamont's last campaign stops in Danbury back in November 2006, Linda's people couldn't have been happy with this turnout…hell, I had more people at my wedding. If Linda's campaign manager and the Mark Boughton can't draw people out to her rallying Danbury (population 75,000+), then what does that say about the enthusiasm for the McSteroids campaign?
No class
Time: 3:33 PM
From Saturday's laughable Linda McSteroids rally, at Danbury High School, here's Danbury's last honest man in action spewing gutter remarks about Attorney General Richard Blumenthal.
Take note of the word Boughton uses for Blumenthal when criticizing the Attorney General.
BOUGHTON: Over the last year, I've been honored and blessed to meet someone who's very special, and that person is Linda McMahon. And I'm going to tell you the difference between Linda and that other guy…you know, Richard…Dick Blumenthal (laughter from crowd).
Everyone in the audience knew what Boughton was doing in his characterization of Blumenthal and as someone who has followed and documented the distortions of this mayor, the shorter version of Blumenthal's first name is probably the best description of Boughton.
HatCityBLOG FLASHBACK: Mayor Boughton misleads the public on BRT Crosby project
Time: 2:49 PM
This time Boughton's dishonesty centers on his defense of the BRT/Crosby Street project....a housing center in which he gave his favorite developer, BRT's Dan Bertram, an outrageous seven year tax deferral.
Although the apartments were sold to the public as a development for young adults, after receiving the sweetheart tax giveaway, BRT turned the project into a college dormitory for WCSU students. In essence, Bertram is renting the units to students (thus raking in the cash) while thumbing his nose at the city by not paying taxes on the building...and Boughton's defense of this action over the years has been disgraceful to say the least.
Watch and learn as Boughton is caught in another big fat lie (originally posted Aug 20 2008)
A seven-year tax deferral (which will cost the taxpayers a boatload of dollars" for a project that's nothing more than a college dormitory that the mayor and Republican majority defends (regardless of what they say now).
Foley and Boughton's hometown papers have one thing in common...
Time: 1:52 PM
The Malloy campaign issued the following statement in regards to the endorsements:
The Greenwich Time and the Danbury News-Times, the respective hometown papers of Republican candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor Tom Foley and Mark Boughton, have both endorsed Dan Malloy’s candidacy for Governor. Malloy has also been endorsed by the New York Times, the Hartford Courant, the Connecticut Post, and the Norwich Bulletin, among other papers.
The Greenwich Time says that “this campaign is about experience, and whose is best suited to the job of governor,” and that only one candidate – Dan Malloy – “took over a city where it was not entirely safe to walk the downtown streets at night and left a place with a thriving core.” They also note that Malloy “steered a city toward a new identity as a financial center, provided preschool for poor children, was a leader in providing affordable housing, began the difficult process of revitalizing a depressed waterfront district -- the list goes on.”
The Time also says Malloy “has proven he can go out and get businesses. He did it for Stamford. And during a time when Connecticut cities were losing population, Stamford's rose under Mr. Malloy,” and they said that when it comes to taxes, Stamford’s increases “were modest compared with other communities.”
They conclude: “This is an election about experience. And if ever there has been someone with the right experience to be governor, it's Stamford's former mayor.”
The Danbury News-Times says that: “After two decades in which the state's largest cities have continued to deteriorate and the educational system has failed many of its children, and with a massive $3.5 billion deficit looming, Connecticut needs a strong, effective, experienced governor to make the hard decisions that will need to be made. We believe Dan Malloy is the right leader for the times.”
They conclude: “These are tough times, and they require a governor who has the best combination of leadership skills, experience and compassion to take the state in the proper direction. We firmly believe that leader is Dan Malloy.”
Your taxpayer dollars at work
Time: 11:59 AM
In these economic times, it's nice to know that city vehicles are being used for political purposes...
UPDATE: I received several emails from angered readers who want to know the person who drove the city vehicle to the Linda rally.
Here's the SUV from another angle. License plate is 111-DA.
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