LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Community Forum 12.08.10 broadacast
Time: 11:39 AM
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Progressive Soup 12.08.10 broadcast
Time: 9:34 AM
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Spotlight On 12.7.10 broadcast
Time: 7:49 PM
Do you feel safe?
Time: 4:46 PM
Safest city?
City police are investigating a string of commercial burglaries and vehicle break-ins over the past two weeks.
According to a police release, the robberies occurred predominantly in the evening hours.
Danbury police are looking for leads into a sexual assault that took place on Town Hill Avenue near Stillman on Nov. 20.
Police said a Hispanic male, about 5 feet, 5 inches tall, wearing a black sweater and T-shirt attacked a woman walking on Town Hill Avenue from South Street toward Stillman.
Police said the victim was able to fight off the man, who had thrown her against a car and began to sexually assault her. She struck him with her camera tripod and knocked him down. The man ran away toward South Street.
If you have any info regarding the above crimes, please call the DanburyPD's tip line at 203-790-8477 or the department's main line at 203-797-4611.
TROY GRANT CASE: Attorney wants off case
Time: 10:37 PM

Disgraced former youth counselor Troy Grant will have find another lawyer to defend him against sexual assault charges if a judge allows his current attorney to quit.
James Diamond, of Danbury, who has represented the 41-year-old Grant since shortly after his arrest, filed a motion in state Superior Court in Danbury seeking permission to withdraw from the case.
In the two-page document, Diamond said the "attorney-client relationship has broken down irretrievably," and Grant "failed to honor the retainer agreement" signed when Grant hired him in early February.
Grant was arrested and charged with numerous sexual assault and risk of injury to minor counts.
In September, Grant rejected two plea deals (one from the prosecutor and the other from the judge) and opted for a jury trial. If convicted, Grant could be sentenced for 100 years in prison.
He's scheduled to appear at Danbury Superior Court tomorrow.
Police warrant paints a disturbing picture; Grant admits having sexual relations with victim
City Hall honors Immaculate High School Girls Soccer team
Time: 1:29 PM
On Tuesday, the City Council took a moment from their activities to honor the Immaculate High School Girls Soccer team for winning their third state championship...
Bethel residents approve road renewal plan
Time: 3:21 PM
Yesterday, residents of Bethel overwhelmingly approved the much debated 2 million dollar road renewal plan.
Over one thousand residents came out to vote on the package with 732 (73 percent) approving the plan while 249 (27 percent) voted in disapproval. With the passage, road repair will finally start in Bethel next year on a priority basis.
From last night, here's video of the reading of the voting totals.
After the vote, I had a chance to interview Bethel First Selectman Matt Knickerbocker and talk to him about the passage of the proposal.
Hey Mark! Where's that 24/7 drop box you promised?
Time: 1:18 PM
Take note of the sign Boughton is holding when you read the following...
News-Times today:
The [library drop] box will be on a median near the bank's drive-up window, and will be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by motorists who want to drop off library materials without leaving their cars.
Here's some pics of the newly relocated 24/7 new drop box at the library...do you notice something interesting? FYI: These photos were shot at 12:30...while the library was closed (opens at 1:00 PM on Wednesday).
...so much for 24/7.
VIDEO/AUDIO: Interview with library drop box unsung hero Candace Milligan
Time: 3:24 PM
One of the unsung heros in the whole library drop box fiasco is resident Candace Milligan.
It was Milligan who brought to the attention of the mayor and members of the city council the numerous safety concerns in having the drop boxes relocated to the back of the library and was instrumental in persuading the city in finding a solution to the matter.
To say that Milligan concerns was originally met with resistance my the mayor and certain members of the city council would be an understatement…in fact, as you'll see in the following video, you can say that Candance's comments were dismissed by Boughton, and committee members Colleen Stanley and Phil Curran.
Not discouraged by the reaction she received at the ad-hoc meeting, Milligan continued to press the issue of safety by reiterating her concerns to City Hall and to the media, which included announcing a rally at City Hall in support of moving the drop boxes to a safer location.
Now that her due diligence in the matter has paid off, this afternoon I had a chance to interview Milligan and get her reaction to the news that the boxes will be relocated from it's present location to the median between Union Savings Bank and the library.
Bethel votes on road repair TODAY
Time: 8:49 AM
Bethel Patch:
Voting on a town referendum is no different from voting for public office, however along with registered voters, Bethel property owners may also vote for the Road Renewal Plan. Below are simple guidelines to vote on the referendum:
- Voters will vote "yes" or "no" on the following question: "Shall the Town of Bethel appropriate the sum of Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars to fund and approve the Road Renewal Plan Project and to finance the same through borrowing, the issuance of bonds and/or notes, including those of a temporary nature."
Polls will be open today from 6 a.m to 8 p.m.
For each district, there is a specific polling location:
District 1: Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center, 1 School Street
District 2: Stony Hill Fire House, 59 Stony Hill Road
District 3: Frank A. Berry School, 200 Whittlesey Drive
District 4: Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center, 1 School Street
District 5: Frank A. Berry School, 200 Whittlesey Drive
After months of political theater and grandstanding by the usual suspects, the residents of Bethel will finally have their say on the matter of fixing the roads. The only bad part is that residents will have to go through this nightmare next year as this proposal over covers Phase I of the overall plan.
Here's a REAL simple solution to the library drop box nonsense
Time: 4:52 PM
I think I found one...now it's not a perfect solution but it's one where everyone gets a little bit of what they want.
Over the weekend, I took a trip to the library to do some research and I decided to snap some new pictures of the drop boxes behind the building.
While snapping the photo, I noticed the drive-thru area at Union Savings Bank (USB)...
Since USB has great ties to the community, and the city is planning on acquiring the bank's building as part of their future plans on expanding the library, couldn't a box be placed at the median between the library and bank where people could drop their books off (preferably between the handicap access sidewalk and the building in the above picture)?
Now of course this couldn't be done during bank business hours (which means people would still have to drop their books off in the library during the day) BUT since the drive-thru isn't used during the bank's off hours, it seems like placing a drop box would work out. It would satisfy the concerns among those who have reservations about placing the boxes back on West Street to due "traffic" and it would satisfy those who are upset that the drive-up ability of book returns are gone.
There's a simple solution to a problem that's getting more embarrassing for the mayor and the city by the minute...free of charge.
UPDATE: TOO FUNNY. Seems like I wasn't the only one who thought of this "solution"...more later.
UPDATE 2: It's been confirmed that city officials are working working with Union Savings Bank in order to have a drop box placed at the median. Hopefully this fiasco is has come to a conclusion.
A special thanks goes out to Candace Milligan and concerned residents who would not rest until this issue was resolved...going as far as scheduling a rally in front of City Hall over the matter. It's only unfortunate that it took over three months, a front page story in the newspaper, and a threat of a rally, for the mayor and city officials to stop the B.S. and bring an end to this nonsense.
Councilman Rotello "flabbergasted" on library staff resistance to empting drop boxes on West Street
Time: 11:28 AM
In my part two of my interview with Paul Rotello, the councilman talks about the reason the boxes were moved and gives his take on the library staff's resistance to emptying the drop boxes at the original West Street location.
To recap, it was Rotello who requested an ad-hoc committee be formed to find a solution to the drop box controversy that continues to cause a great deal of irritation to many residents who use the service.
VIDEO: Library drop-box fiasco interview with Paul Rotello part 1
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Bethel Today 11.30.10 broadcast
Time: 9:53 AM
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Progressive Soup 12.01.10 broadcast
Time: 9:20 PM
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Community Forum 12.01.10 broadcast
Time: 2:21 PM
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Spotlight On 11.30.10 broadcast
Time: 12:22 PM
Boughton talks out of both sides of his mouth on library drop-box fiasco
Time: 10:42 AM
Hark! Yet another flip-flop from our part-time mayor...why am I not surprised.
Boughton October 6 2010:
City officials are working on a solution to bring the library's drop box -- historically located on West Street -- back to its original location.
"We are working on a plan that will involve having someone empty out the drop boxes," Boughton said. "It will probably be a part-time person who would be responsible for that. Hopefully, we can have it all worked out in the next couple of weeks."
Boughton December 4 2010:
The councilman said he suggested one of the city's crossing guards be hired to empty the box in the morning and again in the afternoon at a cost of about $100 a week, or $5,000 a year.
Library director Mark Hasskarl said he also would like to see the box placed in its original spot, and he has asked the union representative whether employees can take on the responsibility of emptying it.
Hasskarl added that about $20,000 saved when the library revamped its website and -- eliminating the web master position -- could be used to pay for a new part-time employee to work at the circulation desk and empty the box.
"The library's management team is still trying to find a way to get the drop box back on West Street," he said. "Everyone was happy before we moved it."
Council member Colleen Stanley, who serves on the ad hoc committee, rejected the notion that another worker needs to be hired to perform the job.
"The drop box was a convenience, and we are looking at hard times right now," she said. "The library already has 57 employees. I can't see spending another dollar of taxpayer money to hire someone else to do it."
Boughton agreed.
"We are definitely not hiring anyone to empty the drop box," he said. "That's not going to happen. We are trying to save money right now, not create more expenses."
Not only is this yet another example of Boughton talking out of both sides of his mouth, but the mayor and Councilwoman Stanley's objections over hiring a part-time employee makes no sense.
As Councilman Rotello and Library director Mark Hasskarl stated, since the library was able to save 22,000, they have money within the budget to hire someone part-time to handle this relative easy job. At 5,000 dollars a year, since the library saved 22,000, they would still be 17,000 in the black for this fiscal year's budget. In short, taxpayers wouldn't be on the hook for the expense since the library WAS ALREADY ALLOCATED the funds last year. Also, in terms of the overall city budget, 5,000 is a incredible drop in the bucket when you look at the cost savings of the boxes in the first place.
It's irrational comments like this which should make the public question the mayor's desire to bring this irritating situation to a conclusion. They don't call him the last honest man in Danbury for nothing!
...more later.
NOTE: These two articles referenced in this post were written by the SAME REPORTER (News-Times "political" reporter Dirk Perrefort). Makes you wonder why Perrefort allowed Boughton top get away with this nonsense in the first place since any reporter worth their name in print would had caught the mayor's flip-flop.
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