LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Ideas At Work and Beyond 02.03.10 broadcast
Time: 10:32 AM
FLASHBACK: Interview with Pathways Danbury Executive Director Troy Grant
Time: 1:32 PM

Last week, the prominent figure of the city's one on one mentoring program was arrested on several charges that involved an alleged sexual assault of minors (Grant is scheduled to be arraigned at Danbury Superior Court next Tuesday).
Over the last week, several readers who read about the Grant case emailed me and asked if I knew anything about Pathways Danbury. Well, it just happens that right before Christmas last year, I took part in a local access program where we talked about different charities in the area. Grant was one of the guests on the show and he talked about his background and the mission of the mentoring program.
Follow the money trail: Mayor Boughton Jan 10 2010 statement
Time: 12:05 PM
"We get thousands of checks from thousands of people and we just wouldn't have any way of knowing something like that is happening."Mayor Boughton's response to his acceptance of James Galante alleged bundled campaign contributions
Since the mayor of DANBURY announced in BETHEL that he's jumping into the gubernatorial race, there's been a HUGE spike in traffic from people looking for information on the city's last honest man. That being said I've been notified by several that my links to Boughton's campaign finance statements are dead.
I'm in the process of fixing the problem with the access to Boughton's past finance statements but until then, here's the latest campaign report from the mayor's 2009 campaign (filed Jan 10 2010).
As the Fairfield County Weekly noted, in posting Boughton's past statements, readers helped find found some rather interesting donations from April 2003 that look oddly a lot like Galante's bundled donations that were given to the mayor's PAC in October 2003.
Sources told the Hartford Courant (the Weekly's papa paper) that Galante gave $8,000 to Boughton's People over Politics PAC in eight separate thousand-dollar donations—a grand being the legal limit for an individual—through friends, family and employees in October 2003, with promises of favors or reimbursement. Boughton told the Courant, "I was absolutely unaware that there was anything wrong with any donations."
People over Politics only received a total of eight donations of $1,000 in that reporting period.
Four checks are from the family of Paul Dinardo, Galante's brother-in-law and a longtime employee of his trash business, who got 21 months in prison in September for conspiracy to inflate hauling prices through extortion and threats. He gave $1,000. So did his father Anthony Dinardo, the father-in-law of James Galante and a resident of Putnam County, N.Y., where Automated Waste's operations stretched. The other Dinardos were Paul's brother Robert, a Danbury police officer, and his wife, Jackie, a teacher and guidance counselor in the city's public schools.
If People over Politics got $8,000 from Galante, the trash magnate provided about one-third of the $24,287 the PAC raised in 2003 and half of the $15,750 from "individuals," as opposed to business or organizations. The PAC listed $9,750 as its total contributions from individuals from Oct. 24 to Dec. 31, meaning, without that $8,000, People over Politics would have collected $1,750 from actual people. Of the eight $1,000 donations, six arrived on Oct. 26 and the other two on Oct. 23 and Oct. 30.
So no one at People over Politics thought it strange that individuals bolstered their cash stash by $8,000 within eight days, with half of it coming from the heavily Galante-connected Dinardo family in a city like Danbury, where the political and business establishments are small enough that everyone knows everyone? (Boughton certainly knew Galante, who hauled the city's trash and owned its minor-league hockey team.)
And as HatCityBLOG pointed out, this was not the first time the same group of people stuffed Boughton's piggybank. Within a five-day period in January 2003, Walkovich, Seri, Paul DiNardo and his wife (Galante's sister) all gave $1,000 to his reelection fund, as did Maria Rullo, of New Fairfield, who pled guilty to tax fraud in July in a case related to United States v. Ianniello, aka Matthew "Matty the Horse" Ianniello of the Genovese family, which has alleged ties to...James Galante.
Download the report, follow the money trail, and let me know if you see anything that catches your attention.
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Ideas at Work and Beyond 01.28.10 broadcast
Time: 10:05 AM
THE JOE DASILVA CASE: Search warrant affidavit
Time: 10:32 PM
John Pirro: News-Times article 02.01.10
As an addition to News-Times John Pirro's write-up on the search warrant affidavit related to the death of Luis Encalada Bueno, and arrest of Joe DaSilva Jr., here's a pdf copy of the document filed at Danbury Superior Court.
LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Danbury Live Jan 30 2010 broadcast
Time: 10:29 AM
Which nickname best fits Mark Boughton
Time: 8:19 PM
On Sunday, Colin McEnrore wrote a hilarious piece for the Hartford Courant regarding the current crop of candidates for governor.
There are at least 15 possible candidates for governor, and getting really excited about any of these candidacies is like buying one of those pet turtles from Woolworth's, in the sense that any one may very well be dead in its little plastic dish by the time you get back from the store with the delicious shrimp flakes.
In 1987, the early Democratic presidential field was called "the seven dwarfs," which was both a reflection on their unimpressive sameness and a reminder that the extremely tall Bill Bradley was not running.
Here in 2010, the sheer number of candidates would be less daunting if we gave them catchy dwarf names. Henceforth then, they are Crazy Eyes, Big Stupid, Robot Man, Overbite, Rich Uncle Pennybags, M-Fed, Oz, Jar-Jar the Mango Man, Grampa D, Puppetmaster, The Anti-DiBella, The Bald Avenger, Universal Man and Nobody Could Possibly Think of a Catchy Nickname For Gary LeBeau. Collect them! Trade them!
Now that I've listed them, I have to admit they seem less like dwarfs and more like a coalition of third-rate comic book characters. The Legion of Run-Down Superheroes. I'm also refusing to provide any key that would identify all of them, just to cut down on libel actions. I also acknowledge that at least one of those appellations is deeply unfair. Boo-Boo would be a perfectly acceptable catchy dwarf nickname for Gary LeBeau.
Although his entire post should be required reading, his post got me to thinking, since McEnroe won't identify the identity of his nicknames, although I have my choice, I thought it would be good if you the reader pick which name you think McEnroe gave our mayor?
Time: 1:48 PM
- ...the Republican members of the City Council already held their caucus, which is normally scheduled a day before the City Council meeting, AND
- multiple sources say that Registrar of Voters Mary Ann Doran has been working the phones people making sure that people attend the mayor of DANBURY'S "surprise" gubernatorial announcement...which by the way is being held in BETHEL, THEN
What's the odds that Danbury's last honest man is NOT running for governor?
...you guessed it, ZERO.
The question the media should ask Boughton is quite simple AND should be the first thing out of the mouths of reporters tonight.
If you stated in the media IN JANUARY that you've made a decision regarding whether you were running for governor, why did you wait a month to tell the public and make such a hissy fit when the purchase of your web domain and gubernatorial website became public?
Plain and simple.
The whole denial from Boughton regarding his obvious running for governor was juvenile and completely unnecessary.
If his campaign for governor is anything like his public denials over the last two weeks, then I can tell you that Boughton is going to have an extremely hard time dealing with the statewide reporters who aren't known for holding back when it comes to hard questions.
...and trust me, he will receive some very hard questions regarding his role as mayor of Danbury.
CT-GOV: Rudy Marconi releases new web ad
Time: 1:45 PM
Entitled: Capitol Combat
FLASHBACK: News-Times reports on the death of Luis Encalada Bueno
Time: 8:02 AM
November 9 2009:
Police on Monday were still trying to determine who or what killed a man who died at Danbury Hospital after he was found in a Town Hill Avenue driveway Friday afternoon.
Investigators on Monday hadn't released the name or the age of the dead man.
"The detective bureau is actively investigating the circumstances of this death," Detective Sgt. Randy Salazar said Monday.
Police and EMS personnel were summoned just before 1 p.m. Friday to an apartment building at 66 Town Hill Ave., where an injured man was lying in the driveway.
The man, described only as a Hispanic male, died at the hospital about 6 p.m.
Police then returned to the scene and cordoned off the area with crime scene tape, said Elias Illesca, who owns the apartment house.
"One of my tenants called and said the police were here, so I came right over," he said.
The man had been lying in a corner of the parking area on the south side of the building, between a chain link fence and a dumpster, Illesca said.
"I'm asking everybody, but nobody knows who he was," he said.
November 13 2009:
Police have identified a man who died last week after being found injured in front of a Town Hill Avenue apartment building. But they say little is known about the man or exactly how he died.
Capt. Thomas Wendel said a thumbprint was used to identify 42-year-old Luis Gerardo Encalada Bueno.
Police do not know where Bueno lived at the time of his death. He was found injured Nov. 6 in the apartment-building driveway and died later that day at Danbury Hospital.
Wendel said an autopsy determined what injuries killed Bueno, and an investigation is ongoing.
"He died of some sort of internal injuries," Wendel said. "They could have been caused by a natural event, such as a fall ... or by an act of violence."
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