LOCAL ACCESS VIDEO: Ideas At Work and Beyond 02.11.09 broadcast
Time: 10:31 PM
THE TROY GRANT COURT CASE: Court increases bond, places conditions to protect victims
Time: 5:18 PM

Grant, who's the Vice President of the Greater Danbury NAACP, and served as executive director Pathways Danbury, a one on one mentoring program, was arrested in January on numerous charges stemming from an alleged sexual assault of minors (note: Grant is presently on administrative leave from the organization).
List of the charges filed against Grant on the day of his arrest are the following (click here to view the court document):
COUNT ONE: Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (on or about 10/2009). Violation: 53a-71(a)(10).
COUNT TWO: Risk of Injury Illegal Sexual Contact (on or about 10/2009). Violation:53-21(a)(2).
COUNT THREE: Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (on or about 12/2009). Violation 53a-71(a)(10).
COUNT FOUR: Risk of Injury Illegal Sexual Contact (on or about 12/2009). Violation:53-21(a)(2).
COUNT FIVE: Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (on or about 1/2010). Violation 53a-71(a)(10).
COUNT SIX: Risk of Injury Illegal Sexual Contact (on or about 1/2010). Violation:53-21(a)(2).
COUNT SEVEN: Risk of Injury (on or about 10/11/2009). Violation 53-21(a)(1).
COUNT EIGHT: Providing Alcohol to a Minor (on or about 10/11/2009). Violation 30-86(b)(2).
COUNT NINE: Risk of Injury (on or about 11/2009). Violation 53-21(a)(1).
COUNT TEN: Providing Alcohol to a Minor (on or about 11/2009). Violation 30-86(b)(2).
COUNT ELEVEN: Providing Alcohol to a Minor (on or about 06-08/2009). Violation 30-86(b)(2).
COUNT TWELVE: Risk of Injury (on or about 12/2009). Violation 53-21(a)(1).
Although he was free on 250,000 bond, at the start of his first hearing on Tuesday, Assistant State's Attorney Sharmese Hodge made a request to Judge Robin Pavia that Grant's bond be increased by 150,000 dollars as a result of five additional charges that were filed on that day.
List of the additional charges filed against Grant as of 02.09.10 are as follows (click here to view the court document):
COUNT THIRTEEN: Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (on or about 05-06/2009 - 01/2010). Violation 53a-71(a)(4).
COUNT FOURTEEN: Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (on or about 05-06/2009 - 01/2010). Violation 53a-71(a)(4).
COUNT FIFTEEN: Sexual Assault in the Second Degree (on or about 05-06/2009 - 01/2010). Violation 53a-71(a)(4).
COUNT SIXTEEN: Sexual Assault in the Fourth Degree (on or about 05-06/2009 - 01/2010). Violation 53a-73(a)(1)(E).
COUNT SEVENTEEN: Sexual Assault in the Fourth Degree (on or about 05-06/2009 - 01/2010). Violation 53a-73(a)(1)(E).
In total, as of Tuesday, Grant is charged with six counts of second-degree sexual assault, four counts of risk of injury to a minor, three counts of serving alcohol to a minor, two counts of fourth-degree sexual assault, and two counts of illegal sexual contact.
Since he did not have an attorney at the hearing, Judge Pavia provided Grant an opportunity to apply for a public defender. When his case was recalled later in the afternoon, Grant was notified that he didn't meet the qualifications to be appointed a public defender (click here to view the court document), and that the judge will hear the argument regarding an increase in his bond on Thursday morning.
NOTE: Due to the number people in the courtroom, the fact that I was seated in the last row, and the poor sound quality in the chambers, it was rather hard to hear the proceedings. The following is a summary of what occurred in court today based off my notes and interviews with the Assistant State's Attorney and defense attorney.
Thursday morning, accompanied defense attorney Jim Diamond, Grant arrived to court to hear oral arguments regarding his increase bond request by the prosecution.
According to Assistant State's Attorney Hodge, the rationale behind her increase in bond request were three fold.
The first stems from the fact that there are new charges filed against Grant (on Tuesday, Grant received five additional charges bringing the total charges to seventeen).
The second involves the safety of the community. During the proceedings Attorney Hodge stated that after he posted bail at the police station, Grant allegedly continued to have contact with the victims in the case.
The third involves a concern over flight risk or the opinion of the prosecution that there is possibility that Grant might flee.
Stating that the purpose of bonds is not to punish or incarcerate, in his remarks, defense attorney Diamond rebutted the prosecution's concerns.
In terms of flight risk, Diamond noted to the judge that Grant has made every court appearance. In terms of contact with victims, Diamond stated that at the time of his release, there was no court order at the time of his arrest stating that he could not have any contact with any minors. Finally, Diamond noted that Grant has long ties to the Danbury community and served in the military (eight years in the Air Force and four years in the Army).
After a brief rebuttal from the prosecution, Judge Pavia ordered that Grant's bond be increased by 50,000 as opposed to 150,000 dollars. The court also placed restrictions on Grant which include that he has no contact with the victims in this case in any manner (which includes phone calls, emails, text messages, or contact through third parties) nor should he has any contact with anyone under the age of 18.
After the hearing, I had a moment to talk to defense attorney Diamond who stated that Grant will fight these charges.
"Mr Grant has deep ties to Danbury. He has come to court and he is going to fight these charges. He has a record of service to this nation and his community and we look forward to refute each and every allegation."
The next court hearing is scheduled for March 3rd.
LIVE BLOG: Joe DaSilva and Troy Grant court case: Day one
FLASHBACK: Interview with Pathway Academy Executive Director Troy Grant
Time: 1:40 PM
Will this be the blizzard of the year or just the hype of the year?
The city of Danbury is under a level one emergency as a snow storm is blowing through the area. Although the storm is off to a slow start, forecasters are saying don't be fooled.
Storm Team 8's Dr. Mel says high winds and heavy snow could make for white-out conditions. As much as a foot of snow is expected in some areas.
"It's a slow mover," Dr. Mel said at Noon.
We'll have to wait and see if the forecasters are right.
UPDATE 3:00 PM: Well, where is all the snow? Lets take a look at the hype:
Six to 16 inches of snow could blanket the region by tonight, Fox 61 meteorologist Joe Furey said.
Light to moderate snowfall began earlier this morning and will pick up about noon today, growing heavier and steadier as the day goes on. Little accumulation was reported this morning.
Winds of up to 40 miles per hour will be felt along the coast, while inland, residents will face gusts of about 30 miles per hour.
"We're going to see heavy winds, with near blizzard-like conditions along the coast," Furey said. "The brunt of the storm is going to be this afternoon."
Dr. Mel's weather blog post entitled "Now, our day has come":
In any case, upwards of a foot of snow may fall statewide. A good 12 hour period of heavy snow will fall, and winds could gust over 40 mph. It should begin during the wee hours of Wednesday. It will be a classic moderate to heavy snowstorm.
Here's a video clip of Osborne Street as of 3:15 THIS AFTERNOON.
In my opinion, based on what I saw this afternoon, it seems like this storm was more hype than anything else.
UPDATE 3:30 P.M.: Finally, one forecaster is owning up to the the obvious...that they dropped the ball on this storm.
When your forecast is wrong you just need to man up and pull back. We try our best but it's an imperfect science. We understand that people close schools and businesses and money is lost when we're forecasting a foot of snow. None of us take that responsibility lightly. We messed up on this one, it's time to admit it and say sorry.
UPDATE 5:20 P.M.: During the 5 o'clock edition of WTNH's news broadcast, Meteorologist Geoff Foxx stepped up and apologized to the public for providing an incorrect forecast and released an updated snow prediction.
Although the snow was MUCH less than what was predicted yesterday, precaution is always the right approach when dealing with inclimate weather.
Click here for hour to hour weather updates
LIVE BLOG: Joe DaSilva and Troy Grant court case
Time: 8:35 AM
I'm at the Danbury Superior Court House awaiting the start of the Joe DaSilva and Troy Grant cases.
DaSilva, the owner of The Palace Theatre is charged with manslaughter in the connection of the death of Ecuadorian immigrant Luis Encalada Bueno.
Grant, the executive director of Pathways Danbury, was arrested on a number of charges which stemmed from an alleged sexual assault of minors.
This post will be updated throughout the day as the cases get underway.
8:45 AM: At the courthouse now. DaSilva and Grant's cases are scheduled to start at 10:00 AM. Don't know if the arrest warrants will be available at that time.
9:45: Judge is only allowing one still camera so I won't be able to videotape the proceedings. Having problems posting to the News-Tims site so I'll have to update things at that blog after I leave the courthouse.
8:50 DaSilva is not here yet but I just noticed Troy Grant in the hallway.
9:30 Area media are on hand including yours truly, The Tribuna, Communidade News, The News-Times, and WLAD.
10:00 Judge enter the chamber. It going to be a while until DaSilva's case is called.
10:50 Joe DaSilva entered the courtroom with his attorney Eugene Riccio and brother Alberto DaSilva.
10:55 Judge called a short recess.
11:00 Court back in session DaSilva case is called first. DaSilva's attorney enters a plea of not guilty for his client and request a jury trial. Judge issued a protectove order for the two witnesses in the case. Case continued for March 3rd. Arrest warrant will remain sealed until this Friday.
Joe DaSilva leaves the court chambers accompanied with attorney Eugene Riccio. Photo: News-Times
11:10 Troy Grant case is called next.
Prosecutor requests that Grant's bond be increased by 150,000 and there are a series of new charges filed against him. Grant does not have an attorney and judge gives him time to file for a public defender. Case will be recalled later today. If I'm right, he might need to come up with the additional bond money today.
11:30 Grant case not recalled yet. He filed for a pd (public defender). Going to stay here until his case is recalled. His arrest warrant is still sealed.
12:30 Grant's case is recalled. Judge informs him that he's NOT eligible for a public defender. He has the option of hiring his own attorney or defend himself. The bond hearing (in which his bond was increased by 150.000) will be heard on Thursday at 9:30.
12:45: Went to the Court Clerk's office to get a copy of the new charges filed against Grant. The file is still in the courtroom and I'll have to wait till after 3:00 to see the contents. Arrest warrant is still sealed.
4:45: Just returned from the court house and I was able to view the list of charges against Troy Grant and I'm still in a stake of shock. I'll post the updated list of charges in a little while.
7:00 Well, it's late and I'm still going through my notes and court documents from today. Tomorrow, I'll do an update post on today's proceedings. Thanks to everyone who visited the site throughout the day as there was a HUGE spike in traffic today.
The Palace Theatre question that no one wants to answer
Time: 2:04 PM
As we approach Joe DaSilva's highly anticipated court appearance tomorrow, there's been one question that's been carefully avoided by public officials and the press...
If DaSilva is convicted of the crime he's being charged with, what happens to the restoration of the Palace Theatre...or more specifically, should the City Council continue to it's participation in the restoration of the historic building on Main Street.
Before the start of my live blog from the courthouse tomorrow, I wanted to know how you felt about the subject. Although one is to presumed innocent before found guilty, given the circumstances, the question regarding the city's involvement in the Palace Theatre can no longer be avoided.
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