Who is this person in the photo and how is he connected to Joe Lieberman

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Time: 5:14 PM

Go over to My Left Nutmeg and find out.

Seems like our junior senator (a.k.a George Bush's favorite Democrat senator) has some explaining to do...

If you think this investigative piece is good...wait till People-Powered Media (PPM) puts the spotlight on Danbury.

Judiciary committee/same-sex marriage video roundup

Friday, April 13, 2007
Time: 5:31 PM


I just want to alert everyone that a full video/livelbog recap on the Judiciary committee's same-sex marriage discussion can be seen at ConnecticutBLOG.


PPM AUDIO EXCLUSIVE: Chris Murphy press conference from Middle East

Time: 12:37 PM

This week, Congressman Chris Murphy was part of a delegation that traveled to Iraq to see the situation in the region firsthand for himself.

After meeting with American and Iraqi soldiers, as well as visiting several sites on his brief tour of the Baghdad area (which included an encounter with a IED explosion from 500 yards away), Congressman Murphy held a news conference from Qatar with members of the media and recounted his experiences.

Press conference (aprox 15 min):


Will the mayor personally attack immigration lawyer Philip Berns again?

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Time: 4:50 PM

I wonder if the mayor's going to call in to Ivon's show tonight and make it a round two?
"Everything You Think You Know About Immigrants and the U.S. Immigration Laws is Completely Wrong. Mr. Berns will, in addition to sharing some surprising information and statistics about immigrants in the United States and about America’s nonsensical, inhumane, and self-destructive immigration system, also talk about current legislation in Hartford to permit taxpaying undocumented immigrant students to pursue their studies at state colleges and legislation pending in Washington that would permit parents of U.S. citizen children (who are currently being deported without review or consideration as to the effect on their US citizen children) to at least present their case to a judge with the discretion to stop their deportation."
For those who missed Mayor Boughton lowering the bar of civility and personally attack Berns' occupation as an immigration lawyer (to the shock of most in attendance), I present you this oldie but goodie.

Be sure to check out tonight's Ideas at work and Beyond and watch the anti-immigrant xenophobes' b.s. claims get ripped to shreds (if the bottom-feeders even have the guts to even call in). The show will be broadcasted tonight on Channel 23 at 9 P.M. and replayed Friday at 12 P.M.

Same sex marriage live-blogging at MLN

Time: 4:28 PM

Be sure to check out the Judiciary Committee live-blogging thread regarding same-sex marriage over at My Left Nutmeg. I'll be over at the site adding video clips from the hearing throughout the night.

Lynn Taborsak blasts Mayor Boughton, "rubber-stamp" Republicans, and anti-immigrant fanatics as the News-Times sleeps at the wheel

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Time: 2:03 PM

Now that I have space on my harddrive, I'm finally able to roll out my video footage again and bring to your attention the information that you'll never see in the mainstream media.

Here's an example of the ALL the local media not doing their job.

First, lets take a look at the News-Times article on the passing of this god-awful, rushed city budget.
The Common Council has finished the budget process a month early after voting 16-3 on Tuesday to approve a $191 million city budget for 2007-08.

Common Council Democrats Lynn Taborsak, Wayne Perkins and Paul Rotello voted against the plan, which includes a 7 percent spending increase over last year’s $178 million budget.

The budget also adds about $60 to property taxes on a typical $400,000 city house.

The city’s education budget rose from $100,161,196 this year to $106,270,463 next year, a 6 percent increase.

The mayor presented his budget a month earlier than in past years to include finance director Dena Diorio, who left at the end of March to start a similar job in North Carolina.
Now if you wonder why it's important why local government meetings need to be broadcasted on public access channel 24, this should do it.

Now, if you didn't know the details of Mayor Boughton's warp-speed budget or the bi-partisan criticism it received, you probably wouldn't give the budget two seconds of thought (FYI: Republican State Senator David Cappiello called Boughton's move "irresponsible" while State Rep. Bob Godfrey called the budget a "folly" and you can watch the video footage of the remarks by clicking here).

Luckily, you no longer have to rely on the News-Times or WLAD as a source of information and with the simple use of video, I can show the story that the local media chooses to ignore.

For those who are new to the site, I strongly encourage you take a look at previous post on the mayor's budget (here, here, here, and here). During the budget portion of April's Common Council meeting, several interesting things happened that should tell you all you need to know about the term "rubber-stamp" Republicans.

As I work on uploading the entire discussion portion of the budget, please keep these points in mind:

1. The mayor call for a discussion on the budget AND NO ONE SAID A WORD UNTIL COUNCILWOMAN LYNN TABORSAK RAISED HER HAND.

2. From ALL INDICATIONS, the mayor seemed to ignore Taborsak's hand in an attempt to quickly call the budget to a vote (note in the video how people look towards Taborsak's direction as she waves her hand (off-camera) and tries to get the mayor's attention, which you can hear in the video as he calls the vote (note: I recorded this with a condensed mic from the back of the room and I could hear Taborsak attempt to get the mayor's attention and clearly see her waving her hand). To even think that no one wouldn't have something to say about the budget after all the criticism it's received over the last month stretching it a bit.

3. In an attempt to shut everyone up, Common Council Republican majority leader arrogantly "moves the question," which basically brings a forced end to the discussion of the budget.

4. Not one person on the Common Council had the courage to challenge any of the points Taborsak raised in her criticism of the budget.

While I'll touch on the points I noted later, for now, from last Tuesday's inefficient Common Council meeting, here's Councilwoman Taborsak blasting Mayor Boughton and the Republican "rubber-stamp" majority over the budget, the refusal to move forward on the ad-hoc committee on public broadcasting of local meetings, the denial of funding to the Hispanic Center (which is a disgrace), and a host of other issues that's being overlook by the News-Times and the other local media outlets.
Hi-res TV quality video download: 71 meg (Quicktime file)

It's simple. As long as the local mainstream media turns a blind eye to what's really happening at City Hall, the public is not informed and elected officials are able to get away with anything without any sense of accountability.


UPDATE: In another example of how much the News-Times cares about getting the story right, they couldn't even spell Councilmen Perkins name correctly. It's spelled D-U-A-N-E, not W-A-Y-N-E.


Smart Growth, Development and Conservation forum announcement

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Time: 5:36 PM

With the topic of over-development dominating the discussion across Danbury, this forum should be rather interesting...
The Danbury Area League of Women Voters and the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation will sponsor a special forum on Wednesday, April 11th at the UUCD fellowship hall at 24 Clapboard Ridge Road in Danbury. The forum will feature three speakers with different perspectives on land use and the dilemma of how to have vital urban centers, open space preservation and economic development – and have it all right here in Connecticut.

Panelists for the free public program include:

* David Kooris, Senior Planner with the Regional Plan Association. Mr. Kooris manages a variety of community design projects including the City of Bridgeport Downtown Master Plan and an inter-municipal land use strategy for 14 towns and villages in Orange County, NY.

* Steven Patton, director of the Devil’s Den Preserve and the Saugatuck Forest Lands Project for the Connecticut Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, has been involved for the past fifteen years in the preservation of critical watershed and open space land in Connecticut.

* Heidi Green, the third panelist is President of 1000 Friends of Connecticut, a statewide organization of community, labor and business leaders committed to promoting sustainable growth and development, urban renewal, conservation of open space and a vibrant state economy. She is an avid hiker and has been active in community and economic development in Connecticut for 15 years.

The forum will be held on April 11, 2007 at the Unitarian Universalist fellowship hall, 24 Clapboard Ridge Road in Danbury. The program will begin at 7:30 with the panel presentations and be followed by a question and answer period. The program is free and open to the public.

The League of Women Voters hopes to increase people’s knowledge of land use policy and emerging issues like Smart Growth and also to encourage more active participation of men and women in their local community land use boards and commissions. The Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation is co-sponsoring the program as part of its “green sanctuary program to raise awareness of environmental issues, to motivate people to take action, and to try to rectify environmental degradation.
For more information, call League of Women Voters at 748-0822 or Social Action Committee at 730-0763.

For a map to the location and directions, click here.

Geraldo Rivera puts anti-immigrant bigots in their place

Time: 3:35 PM

Unfortunately, bigots like Elise Marciano and Tom "Big T" Bennett and the rest of the anti-immigrant scumbags who give our city a bad name have no problem using stories similar to the one in the following videoclip to further their racist agenda.

Without citing ANY EVIDENCE, these morons constantly complain about immigrants running the Main Street area into the gutter with crime and violence (click here for a perfect example of what I'm talking about). What's worse is that politicians who carry the water across the desert for Mayor Boughton Republican elected-officials are using the same talking points in their rhetoric (someone cue Pauline Basso) against immigrant and their support groups and should be ashamed of themselves (in fact, they should be exposed and force to resign).

What's next...a local piece of crap cable talk show will spread a rumor about someone wanting to FIREBOMB THE HISPANIC CENTER (only to foolishly attempt to cover his ass while lying at the same time A MONTH AFTER THE COMMENT WAS ORIGINALLY MADE).

If only we could deport them and their supporters at City Hall out of Danbury...well, at least we'll be able purge City Hall of the anti-immigrant elected/appointed officials come November (and we know who you are).Thankfully, like Geraldo does to O'Reilly, there are people in the are who are going to fight back against this type of bigotry (personally, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that some people get their asses arrested and/or sued...again, you know who you are).

Watch the video...

Of course, bigots like O'Reilly and the anti-immigrant trash should consider the thoughts of the victims's family members before opening up their mouths.
Tessa Tranchant and Allison Kuhnhardt's parents want the arguing to stop. They said this national debate over illegal immigration is out of hand and they desperately want this time to grieve.

Colette Tranchant, Tessa's mother, said, "It just saddens me that people take this to a different level."

Friday, Colette and Alison's Father, David, wanted to calm the firestorm, saying they don't blame Virginia Beach for not sending Ramos to federal authorities after police arrested him for public intoxication.

"There's a media circus right now and everyone has their opinion, but the fact is our kids were killed," said Colette, "Right now we need time to grieve, we need time to figure this out and we would like laws enforced."
Hats off to Geraldo and others who have no problem setting the record straight.

Fightback against the lies...

"Voices in Conflict" goes off campus

Time: 8:28 AM

Here's the latest...
WILTON —The Theatre Arts II class whose performance about the war in Iraq was canceled at Wilton High School will be taking their play off school grounds before the end of the academic year.

"There is a legal way for me to take it off-campus," said theater teacher Bonnie Dickinson, who was advised by her personal legal counsel to sign a document which will disassociate the play, "Voices in Conflict," from the Wilton schools.

In the meantime, Dickinson and the 15 students in her class are still working on the piece in class.

Principal Timothy Cantyhttp://www2.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif says Dickinson and her class have always been free to take "Voices in Conflict" to an external venue on their own time. He added that any legal documents signed by Dickinson are for her own protection; teachers who meet students off-campus for non-school events should clarify that such activities are not sponsored by the schools.

Canty says he's always encouraged the students to keep working on "Voices in Conflict" in class, although they would not be able to perform it in school this academic year.

It was always my perspective that the teachers and the students would continue to work on the piece in class," he said, adding that the performance would follow at a future date.

"The question was not if, but when," said Canty.
So lets see, the rants of one parent (who's outrage has gone beyond the play and is now direted at the teacher Bonnie Dickerson) gets the ear of an absent-minded principal who censors a play based only on political purposes.

Shame on Principal Canty and SHAME on "angry mom" Barabara Alessi. If anyone needs to be removed from the Wilton School system, it's these two individuals.

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The Mercurial (RIP)
Danbury News Times
Danbury Patch
Danbury Hamlet Hub
Danbury Daily Voice
Tribuna Newspaper
CT News Junkie
CT Capitol Report

10.03.18 (PDF):
"Approval of Danbury Prospect Charter School"

10.30.20 (HatCityBLOG VID): Charter School discussion during 2020 interview with Julie Kushner

2018 (RADIO): WLAD
"State Board of Ed signs off on Danbury charter school proposal"

08.20 (VID): CT-LEAD
"Stand up for Education Justice" Rally

08.20.20 (OP-ED): KUSHNER: "Charter schools are not ‘magic bullet’ to improving Danbury schools"

09.13.20 (OP-ED): CHAPMAN
Candidate for state Senate supports charter school for Danbury

01.15.21 (VID): CT-LEAD
Danbury Prospect Charter School press conference

03.19.21 (OP-ED): CT MIRROR
"Danbury leaders do not want a charter school"

04.01.21 (OP-ED): CT-LEAD:
"Why did Sen. Kushner vote against us?"

05.06.21 (VID): Danbury rally to fully fund public schools

10.07.21 (VID): Danbury City-Wide PTO "Meet the Candidates" education forum

10.07.21 NEWSTIMES
Danbury candidates quarrel over charter school, education funding

01.10.22 NEWSTIMES
"New operator named for Danbury charter school: ‘I’m a huge advocate for parent choice’"

01.10.22 NEWSTIMES
"Some Danbury Democrats ‘open minded’ about charter school after new, CT operator named"

01.21.22 (OP-ED): CT MIRROR
"Lessons from Danbury: Ending the dual process for charter school approval"

02.09.22 NEWSTIMES
"Proposed Danbury charter school won’t open in 2022, governor leaves funding out of budget"

02.18.22 NEWSTIMES:
Danbury residents plead for charter school funds in 9-hour state budget hearing: ‘Just exhausted’

03.05.22 (LTE):
Time has come for Danbury charter school

03.12.22 (OP-ED): TAYLOR
"Why I am excited about the Danbury Charter School"

03.16.22 (LTE):
"Why a Danbury Charter School?"

04.02.22 CT EXAMINER:
"Crowding and a Lack of Options for Danbury Students, But No Agreement on Solutions"

04.04.22 (OP-ED): DCS
"Danbury Charter School plans debut"

04.07.22 (PODCAST): (CEA)

04.18.22 (VID): CT-LEAD
Protest press conference

04.25.22 (RADIO): WSHU
Latino group call on Connecticut lawmakers to open a Danbury charter school

06.03.22 (OP-ED): KUSHNER:
"Career Academy ‘a great deal for Danbury"

On September 26, 2007, ten plaintiffs filed suit in response to an arrest of aday laborers at a public park in Danbury, Connecticut. Plaintiffs amended their complaint on November 26, 2007.

The amended complaint states that plaintiffs sought to remedy the continued discriminatory and unauthorized enforcement of federal immigration laws against the Latino residents of the City of Danbury by Danbury's mayor and its police department.

Plaintiffs allege that the arrests violated their Fourth Amendment rights and the Connecticut Constitution because defendants conducted the arrests without valid warrants, in the absence of exigent circumstances, and without probable cause to believe that plaintiffs were engaged in unlawful activity. In addition, plaintiffs allege that defendants improperly stopped, detained, investigated, searched and arrested plaintiffs. Plaintiffs also allege that defendants violated their Fourteenth Amendment rights when they intentionally targeted plaintiffs, and arrested and detained them on the basis of their race, ethnicity and perceived national origin. Plaintiffs raise First Amendment, Due Process and tort claims.

Plaintiffs request declaratory relief, damages and attorneys fees.



Danbury Area Coalition for the Rights of Immigrants v.
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
3:06-cv-01992-RNC ( D. Conn. )

(02.25.08) Court docket

(10.24.07) Memorandum in Opposition to Defendant's Emergency Motion for Protective Order

(09.26.07) Press Release

(12.14.06) Complaint

Barrera v. Boughton, No. 07-01436
(D. Conn. filed Sept. 26, 2007)

(02.25.08) Court Docket

Amended complaint

Defendants' Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction

Defendants' Motion to Dismiss State Law Claims

Plaintiffs' Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

Order on Motion to Dismiss

Defendants' Answer to Amended Complaint

NEW HAVEN REGISTER: Immigrant's 2006 arrest was flawed Danbury mayor testifies

(10.05.07 (VIDEO) Boughton mislead the public about Danbury's involvement in raid

(09.18.07) Yale Law Students expose Danbury involvement in raid

(12.14.06) VIDEO: Interview with Yale Law Students at FOI presser

(12.14.06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 FOI complaint media roundup

City Clerk Jean Natale standing next to skinhead sparks outrage

(10.03.06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 rally

(09.29.06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 case deepens

Word of raid spread across the country

(09/29/06) VIDEO: Danbury 11 protest news conference

(09/29/06) Immigrant newspaper "El Canillita" gives best account of ICE day labor raid at Kennedy Park

trans_button Santos Family Story
VIDEO: Tereza Pereira's ordeal with ICE agents

VIDEO: Danbury Peace Coalition Immigration Forum (April 2006)
featuring Mayor Boughton and Immigration attorney Philip Berns

VIDEO: 2007 Stop the Raids immigration forum at WCSU

2007: Community protest anti-immigration forum

A tribute to Hispanic Center Director and immigrant activist Maria Cinta Lowe



11.15.23 Recanvass return
(Head Moderator Return Format)

11.07.23: Election night returns
(Head Moderator Return Format)

11.07.23: Initial returns

Oct 10 2022
Jan 10 2023
Apr 10 2023
Jul 10 2023
Oct 10 2023

Apr 10 2023
Jul 10 2023
Oct 10 2023

Dem/GOP slate/ballot position

VIDEO: DRTC convention
VIDEO: DDTC conveniton


(VID) DDTC nomination convention
(PDF) DDTC campaign slate flyer

(VID) DRTC nomination convention
(PDF) DRTC campaign slate flyer

(VID) 2021 Danbury City-Wide PTO educational forum

First quarter
Alves Apr 10th SEEC filing

Second quarter
Alves Jul 10th SEEC filing
Esposito Jul 10th SEEC filing

Third quarter
Alves Oct 12th SEEC report
Esposito Oct 12th SEEC report

Alves "Jan 6th" attack mailer 10.21.21
Esposito "you can't trust Alves" attack mailer 10.20.21
Alves mailer 10.20.21
Alves mailer 09.30.21
Esposito mailer 09.28.21
Alves mailer 09.27.21
Esposito mailer 09.27.21


Danbury 2005 election results
Newstimes Dean Esposito profile (10.25.05)

Danbury 2007 election results
(VID) Helana Abrantes TV ad
(VID) BRT tax deferral presser
(VID) Helena Abrantes "Community Forum" interview

Danbury 2009 election results
(VID) 2009 Danbury City-Wide PTO educational forum
(VID) 2009 Danbury Chamber of Commerce mayoral debate
(VID) 2009 DDTC nomination convention

Danbury 2011 election results
(VID) Saadi/Nero campaign kickoff

Danbury 2013 election results
(VID) 2013 DDTC nominaiton convention

Danbury 2015 election results

Danbury 2017 election results
(VID) Al Almeida concession speech
(VID) 2017 Danbury City-Wide PTO educational forum
(VID) Al Almeida nomination acceptance speech

Danbury 2019 election results
(VID) 2019 NewsTimes Editorial Board interview with Mark Boughton and Chris Setaro
(VID) 2019 Danbury City-Wide PTO educational forum
(VID) 2019 Danbury Chamber of Commerce mayoral debate
(VID) 2019 convention endorsement speeches from Mark Boughton and Chris Setaro